Good morning! Thank you so much for your well wishes and prayers. You make me smile.
It has now been a week and I am doing well. I have started a bit of walking to get this body moving again. The doctor says that is good to do so I will obey. Monday morning I shuffled my way around our block (2/10 of a mile) and felt so good that I did it again in the evening. Okay so now is when you shake your head from side to side and say "tisk tisk". Yes, I did feel good doing it but soon realized I pushed myself too hard and regretted it. So yesterday I laid around all day and didn't walk around the block until Hubby came home. That seemed to be the right amount because I slept better and feel pretty good this morning.
Having surgery on one's stomach area is a strange thing. It is an interesting numb feeling on the outside while at the same time also feeling like I have done something like a bazillion stomach crunches on the inside. I can bend down now and lay on my side. My walk is getting more natural and not so much of a shuffle. I have learned that if I crouch by the bedside I can let Kekoa go from the bed to my legs to the floor without picking him up. (Small potatoes to one person is great progress to another.)
Puddin' is doing a great job of taking care of me and doing all the things around the house that I normally do. It is an adjustment for her. I tend to be of the mindset that I don't have the girls do much around the house on a regular basis simply because they are busy with growing up and having something always on their calendars. I know that is really not the right way to think and they need to learn more....but that is where I am at right now. All the same, she is doing it all right now since I can't lift anything for the next month that weighs more than 10 lbs. That means our laundry as well as hers, all the dishes, and all the cleaning that never ends. She is doing it all with a smile and that blesses me.
Right now our friends are rotating through with meals for us and that is a delight. I had put a bunch of freezer things together for us before surgery but nothing beats having a warm meal brought to the doorstep around 5pm. I am getting quite spoiled.
I have tried to visit you, my blogger friends, but have found my comments to be a bit loopy with the oxicodone I am taking. Thank goodness for the spell checker on Firefox. Boy I really thought my comments were more coherent than what the browser has proved to me.
Pippin is doing great at the beach. She is full on busy with work now and isn't able to call as much as she used to. When she can, she sends us cellular pictures of things around town. Her favorite thing to do is to grab a picture of the daily sunset for us to see. I love the beach!
Ok, I think it is time to go lay back down now.
Thank you again for your support! I treasure you.