Sunday, February 10, 2008

Weekend Wanderings...

David McMahon over at Authorblog has posed a question to his readers:

The question is: Does your family read your blog?

My answer is yes and no. It is complicated. Actually, it is only as complicated as I allow it to be right?
Husband: yes Mom and Dad: yes Brother and Sis: yes 1 cousin: yes
Everyone else in my giant family: no
This post might help answer your questions of why.....if that question is running through your head.


  1. Most of my family know about mine, and yes it does effect how I write, but only on rare occasions, and I omit things as I don't want to offend rather than putting things in to please!

  2. Thanks Jules, I think you have more family members reading your blog than anyone else I know.

    Not a single McMahon reads mine!!!


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