Friday, March 7, 2008

Today's Walk...

The sky was showing off it's brilliant shades of grey this morning as I was out on my walk. While listening to the birds, (and desperately/competitively trying not to get passed by an energetic couple) the brilliant color of these plants growing alongside the pathway caught my attention. Though my tiny little cell phone shot does no real justice to the color, please trust me when I say it was truly vibrant, practically elecrtic in color.

Hmmm, maybe sitting at the base of this tower made them really electric after all.


  1. Its amazing what a little electricity can do. Looks like you have the first signs of spring poking through, if you are really lucky, in a couple of weeks they will burst into the most beautiful blooms!

  2. The path-side plants, and water that they are in, looks more like what I would expect here in Florida, not the "mountainous Northwest." The foliage is, indeed, lush and alive with energy.

    (Sooo, Jules ... a bit of "competitive" spirit there, I see. Combined with that aliveness evident in your eyes, could there be a bit of fiesty, as well? I am enjoying getting to know you. You are fun!)

  3. Mima...isn't it funny how certain plants can look so much more vibrant than the ones we give general respect to? Those plants are common aggrivating weeds that grow deep and take over things around here. Things are starting to show signs of spring though around here. Both, my weeping cherry tree and lilac bush have leaf buds on them. I am excited.

    John Michael...yes competition is a quiet but resounding vien that runs thru me. I hear it the most when a situation says "you can't".
    Fiesty, definately I say with a proud smile and sparkle.
    Thank you so much for the compliment. You make me blush.


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