Friday, June 1, 2007

It's So Heavy

A friend wrote a note yesterday encouraging us all to have a unique outlook on life. My brother and sister-in-law would call it "an attitude of positivity". The goal was to treat every circumstance and happening as if it was changing the course of regular life forever.

I loved the challenge, challenges are a driving factor for me, so I got up with that goal in mind.
Many great things have happened today: I saw a butterfly, God gave me breath, my girls are my joy, I have cherished friends.
But, as it happens with life, it takes so many good things to tip the scales of the bad. I hate that BAD gets such an easy front row seat.

Father God, right now my heart breaks. I know you made us all different and individual, but I just don't understand shallowness, I don't comprehend lack of compassion and self drive, I can't fathom such a small awareness of responsibility. Help me to focus on the good and let the groaning of the weight of sin come from the agony of the world and not my mouth. My mouth was made for giving You praise and adoration.

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