Tuesday, October 14, 2008

19 Years Today....

Today is our 19th wedding anniversay.
Tonight we are going out to dinner at one of my favorites and then tomorrow we pack for a few days of relaxation with a church retreat.
"See" you when I get back. Until then, be blessed and enjoy God's creative hugs.


  1. Jules God go with you and Enjoy. My new site. http://poddy56.blogspot.com/

  2. Happy Anniversary Gary & Julie! Love you guys!
    The Jailer :)

  3. jules i hope you spend lots of money on him when you take him for a meal.why is it men have to pay at these times. like if women would say honey i'll pay for it out of the housekeeping.no hubby as to pay .or the wife says honey i forgot my credit cards shame on you women. only joking enjoy yourselfs.

  4. Jules fun splash posters at... http://gospelgifs.com/clipart/clips-01.htm

  5. Happy Anniversary and many more. God bless.

  6. Happy anniversary Jules!! And many many more to come :D
    tks for your kind wishes, i am sitting on that silly donut ring but only for short period, otherwise, still alive and kicking, just not sitting :D

    much love and hugs

  7. Happy anniversary, life is beautiful with the man you love dearly, enjoy yourselves, have good time with him and the Church friends.

  8. Happy Anniversary...19 years goes by very fast doesn't it? I hope your time together is blessed ~

  9. Happy Anniversary, may you have many more!!! Mac and I celebrated 40 years of weddedness (some bliss some fireworks some downright good times along with the bad)and we celebrated by going to Walmart...lol...but that's okay, I let him drive my truck and he let me spend his money...can't get better than that!


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