Saturday, February 20, 2010

Girls Day Out.....

Today was "Girls Day Out".
Of all the things to do around here in big cowboy country San Antonio, Texas never occured to me that I would be attending the 2010 Year of the Dragon Asian Festival. Yes really.
I really had a good time. We watched Samoan fire dancing, indian story telling, Korean fan dance, and multiple martial arts demonstrations.

And the food brought back so many memories! I sampled favorites of lumpia, yakisoba, kahlua pork, and admittedly multiple sesame balls. Never having heard of something called a Bubble Drink I gave this mango combination a try. I think the tapiocca expaned in my stomach because I am STILL full.

I brought home some samples of chicken kabob and also fried banana for Daddy to try. Praise God! He nibbled on a small piece of chicken with success!

Thank you for your prayers and support.
God bless your week.

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